A downloadable VR GAME

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This game is free right now, but would really appreciate a good review if you like it, and if you have the possibility, a donation. Every review and donation will help us finish the future games faster and make them better! You can donate after you try it too  with this link:


This is a fun Shooting and Climbing playground with 32 different hidden weapons of many types: modern guns, lighting guns, rocket launcher, lighting sabers, katanas, hammers, lighting hammers etc. 

Explore the map to find new weapons and targets!

There is a free practice mode, a free practice with respawning targets mode and a scoring mode, where you need to destroy all targets as fast as possible and beat the fastest record time!

You have infinite ammo and no reloading necessary!

You have abilities to stock guns in pockets and suitcase, jump, sprint, climb and manipulate time (slow motion and super-slow motion)!

You also have a playlist of 38 awesome songs to optionally listen while you play!

 This is the base of many upcoming ultra fun games, that will include these weapons and mechanics, so stay tuned!


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$7.00 $0.00 USD or more

Click download now to get access to the following files:

CLIMB & SHOOT 1.6.apk 318 MB

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