4.5.0 Update

In this Update, the most important addons are the settings, you can now easily adjust the right settings for a better performance or higher quality, depending on your device. You will find the settings on the desks of your left when you start the game. There you can find quick universal settings, but also individual settings for lighting, dinosaurs' quality, bullets' visual effects, water quality etc. 

We also fixed some bugs and made things work properly. For example all the guns work fine now even if you put them in the pockets and take them out, and the scoring system is also fixed.

If you have an Oculus Quest 1, we recommend using the lower settings than the standard. With Oculus Quest 2, the standard settings should be fine, but it is up to you how you want your settings, and if you experience low fps (frames per second / if the game moves too slow),  then you should lower the settings!


ULTRA SHOOTER 4.5.0.apk 313 MB
Feb 10, 2022


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